Редовен професор д-р Даворин Трпески


Biography details:

ORCID 0000-0001-8865-548X

Date of birth: 21/11/1976

Place of birt: Prilep, Macedonia



Nov. 2010 Doctoral Degree (PhD) in ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia; Subject: The creation of the cultural policy in the process of cultural heritage protection in Macedonia, in the post-socialist period. 

July 2005 Master Degree in ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia; Subject: Virtual models of dwellings from the  Macedonian folk architecture. 

Jan. 2001 Bachelor Degree in ethnology at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia; Subject: Ethnological and folklore elements in the election campaign in Macedonia in 2000.


Professional expirience: 

Dec. 2015 – Onwards     Associate professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia 

Feb. 2011 – Dec. 2015    Assistant professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia.

Feb. 2006 - Feb. 2011     Assistant at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia.

Dec. 2001 – Feb. 2006    Younger assistant at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia.


Published books:

2015 Macedonian’s annual customs: Life according to the folk calendar, Mladinska kniga, Skopje, 1-428.

2013 Who Owns the Past? The Cultural Policy and Cultural Heritage Protection in Post Socialist Macedonia, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, PMF - Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Skopje, 1-266.

2006 Virtual Models of Dwellings from Macedonian Folk Architecture, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, PMF - Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Skopje, 1-130.

Published books as editor:

2011 Anthropology of social change, EthnoAnthropoZoom, No 9, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Skopje, 1-150.

Published books as coauthor:

2007 Mapping and Community Based Research Study on Most At-risk Adolescents to HIV/AIDS/STIs in Macedonia, UNICEF – Skopje Office, December 2007, 1-65.


March 2009 ‘Carlos V European Award 2008 - Simone Veil for European research and mobility for European studies. Organized by European Academy of Yuste Foundation and University of Extremadura, Spain, to support doctoral researchers.

May 2008 Marie Curie Fellowship within the Project European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and Mediterranean awarded to support four months research stay (academic year 2008/2009) at Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Dec. 2004 Scholarship awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture to support two months research stay (academic year 2004/2005) at the Department for Southeast European History at Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria.

Трудови и конф.

Published articles:

2017 "The Macedonian village Project: An example of invented tradition in Skopje”, EthnoAnthropoZoom, 16, Skopje, 116-128.

2016 “The anthropology and cultural heritage in Macedonian multicultural society”, in: Against all odds: Ethnology and anthropology between theory and practice,  Institute of ethnology and anthropology, Skopje.

2015 “The past of the cultural heritage through several Macedonian examples” in: Balcanoslavica, No. 40-44, Prilep, 137-141.

2015 „Обичаи поврзани со сеидбата на житото во Кривогаштани: верувања и митски претстави“, in: Зборник трудови VII: Семинар за традиционална музика и игра, Илинденски денови, Битола, 2015, 30-42.

2014 „Создавање збирки во минатото: почетоци на музејот“, in: Зборник трудови VI: Семинар за традиционална музика и игра, Илинденски денови, Битола, 32-34. 

2013 “The cultural policy of Republic of Macedonia after fall of socialism”, Зборник трудови, 105 години од раѓањето на Јозеф Обремски, Институт за старословенска култура Прилеп, Прилеп (167-174).

2012 “The Nationalism and the Use of Cultural Heritage: Few Post-Socialist Macedonian Examples” in: Victor de Munck & Ljupcho Risteski (eds.), Macedonia – The Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Foundations of a Balkan State, I.B. Tauris Publishers, 89-108.

2012 "Conceptualizing Gender in Macedonia” in: Victor de Munck and Ljupcho Risteski (eds), Macedonia – The Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Foundations of a Balkan State, I.B. Tauris Publishers, 109-135.

2012 The Cultural Heritage and the National Identity in Post-socialist Macedonia”, in: Éric Bussière & Enrique Moradiellos (eds.), Memories and places of memory in Europe, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Cuadernos de Yuste, 6, Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 209-224.

2012 "Осврт кон културното наследство: Теорија кон дефиницијата на УНЕСКО", во: Зборник трудови IV: Семинар за традиционална музика и игра, Илинденски денови, Битола, 40-47.

2011 “Introduction: To social change anthropology”, EthnoAnthropoZoom, 9, Skopje, 10-19.

2011 “Policies for reinterpretation the past in postsocialist Macedonia”, EthnoAnthropoZoom, 9, Skopje, 56-71.

2011 "Ethnic characteristics of Macedonia at the turn of the twentieth century", in: Bobbie Sumberg (ed.), Young brides, old treasures: Macedonian embroidered dress, Museum of International Folk Art, University of Washington Press, 56-74.

2011 “The intangible cultural heritage in Macedonia: terms and the status of the institutions”, in: Condition of the cultural and natural heritage in the Balkan region, Volume 2, ICOM SEE, Belgrade, 353-362.

2011 “Ракување со артефактите: каталогизирање и документирање етнографски предмети за потребите на фолклорните ансамбли”, Илинденски денови, Зборник трудови III: Семинар за традиционална музика и игра, Битола, 25-33.

2009 “The Fallacy of Misplaced Identity in Macedonia and Lithuania”, Identity politics: histories, regions and borderlands, Studia Anthropologica III, Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis XIX, 69-78. 

2009 “The monuments in the post-socialist period: the example of the city-hero of Macedonia”, Kula, Revija Slovenskega etnoškega in antropološkega združenja, Ljubljana, 67-73. 

2006 “Identity and ideology of one ‘Macedonian’ political party”, Roaming anthropology, Belgrade, 80-85.

2006 “Divergence of ethnical identity of Golobrdci in Albania”, Golo Brdo – The life on the border, Skopje, 56-61.

2005 “Ethnographic characteristics of the tronj from Bardovci and its virtual presentation”, Ethnologist, 11, Skopje, 160-169.

2004 “Aspects of ethno-continuity and identity in election campaign in Macedonia”, Ethnologist, 10, Skopje, 2004, 34-41.

2003 “Ethno-myths on the Macedonian political scene”, EthnoAnthropoZoom, 3, Skopje, 2003, 90-100.

2002 “Understanding of the tradition and ethnic characteristics and their utilization in the election campaign”, EthnoAnthropoZoom, 2, Skopje, 2002, 140-150.

2000 “Autumn – winter cycle”, as a part of the project Multicultural and ethnical characteristics of four villages in Veles region, 2000, www.iea.pmf.ukim.edu.mk


Participation in seminars and conferences:

12-15/09/2017 Cultural diplomacy and cultural property protection: implementation prospects and challenges of international standards – International conferece in Vienna, Austria. 

8-11/12/2016  Cultural heritage in Southeastern Europe  - Third regional scientific conference, Beograd, Serbia, with the topic: The ‘Macedonian village’ Project: an Example of an Invented Tradition in Skopje. 

3-9/07/2016 Museums and cultural landscapes - 24th General Conference, Milan, Italy, with the topic: Cultural heritage protection and NGO’s in Macedonia. 

24-27/09/2015 Against all odds: Ethnology and anthropology between theory and praxis, International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia. Position: presenter on the topic: Anthropology and cultural heritage in Macedonian multicultural society. 

9-11/09/2015 35 years of Institute of Old Slavic Culture in Prilep, International Conference in Kratovo Macedonia. Position: presenter on the topic: The past of the cultural heritage through several Macedonian examples.

11-12/12/2010 Differences as an advantage in multi-ethnic communities, debate and lectures within the project "Unity in Diversity", implemented by the Local Development Agency Struga, financially supported by the UN program "Strengthening dialogue and cooperation between communities". Position: presenter on the topic: The cultural heritage and the politics. 

Sept. 2010 105 years from Josef Obremski birth – organized by ISK Prilep, Macedonia and Institute of Slavic Culture at Adam Mickiewicz University from Poznan, Poland. In Samokov, Macedonia. Position: presenter on the topic: Cultural Policy in Macedonia after the fall of socialism

12-13. Dec. 2009 Towards new strategies for the communicating the Macedonian cultural capital abroad – organized by KOR from Skopje and GTZ, Position: presenter on the topic: The cultural heritage and the ideologies in post socialist Macedonia

06-10. July. 2009 Memories and places of memory of Europe, Doctoral seminar and International summer course in Yuste (Spain), organized by European Academy of Yuste Foundation and University of Extremadura (Spain). Position: presenter on the topic: The cultural heritage and the national identity in post socialist Macedonia.

18-20. June. 2009 Building on the Past, Concluding Seminar of Marie Curie Fellows in Bielefeld (Germany), European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and Mediterranean, organized by Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (Italy) and Bielefeld University (Germany). Position: presenter on the topic: The creation of the cultural policy in the process of cultural heritage protection in Macedonia, in the post-socialist period.

18-20. Sept. 2008 Building on the Past, Introductory Seminar of Marie Curie Fellows in Bratislava (Slovakia), European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and Mediterranean, organized by Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. Position: presenter on the topic: The creation of the cultural policy in the process of cultural heritage protection in Macedonia, in the post-socialist period.

23-26. May 2006 MARA Qualitative Study in Macedonia, Seminar for qualitative research analysis and working with marginalized groups; organized and supported by UNICEF; Bitola, Macedonia.

26-30. Apr. 2006  Tito – the Old Icon in New Contexts; Roaming Anthropology IV, International Conference organized by the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology and the Student Club of Ethnology and Anthropology, Ljubljana University, Slovenia; Position: lecturer on the topic: The monuments in the post-socialist period after the example of the city-hero of Macedonia; Nova Gorica, Slovenia.

18-20. June 2004  The Life on the Border, Round table organized by the Macedonian Ethnological Society, Skopje, Macedonia and The Centre of Ethnicity Research, Tirana, Albania; Position: presenter on the topic Divergence at ethnic identity of Golobrdci in Albania; Dolno Kosovrasti, Debar, Macedonia.

14-18. May 2004   Roaming Anthropology III - Subcultures, International Conference organized by the Student Club of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Belgrade University, Serbia and Montenegro; Position: presenter on the topic Identity and ideology of one “Macedonian” party; Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.

29-30. Apr. 2003   Bulgarian Model of Ethnicity - Good Practice and Knowledge – part 2, Seminar organized by the Institute for Universal Education, Sofia; Sofia, Bulgaria.

7-8. Apr. 2004  Law on Museums and Museum Responsibilities in the Republic of Macedonia, Seminar organized by the Macedonian National Committee of International Council for Museums (MNC ICOM), Skopje; Berovo, Macedonia.

4-5. March 2004  Ethnic Questions on the Balkan – Good Practice and Knowledge - part 1, Seminar organized by the Institute for Universal Education, Sofia, Bulgaria; Skopje, Macedonia.

12-18. Nov. 2003  Cultural Management, Seminar organized by the Macedonian Student Ethnological Society, Skopje, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Skopje, Macedonia and the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Samokov, Macedonia.

13-31. July 2003  Balkan Cultural Identities: From Multiple Antiquities to Multiplex Modernity, International Summer School, Ohrid Summer University -  organized by Euro - Balkan Institute, Skopje; Ohrid, Macedonia.

7-11. Nov. 2002  Roaming Anthropology II - Subcultures, International Conference organized by the Student Club of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Belgrade University, Serbia and Montenegro; Position: presenter on the topic Historical review of political parties and political centers’ of power activities (from the political anthropology aspect); Ohrid, Macedonia.

25-28. Apr. 2002  Ethnic Relations in Central and Eastern Europe, International conference organized by the Faculty of Political Science and the Student Society of Political Science, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland; Position: presenter on the topic Ethno-myths on the Macedonian political scene, Krakow, Poland.

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